lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

The Stolen generation

1.From your own point of view it useful to say "Sorry" after years of wrong policies towards a minority? Why, what else is needed?

In this blog I want to state why I think the Australian policies towards minorities were not the most appropriate or correct ones, and why is it important to take action in this matter to correct and formulate new ways in which the minorities can see themselves beneficiated. Personally I think that by just saying sorry the problem would not be solved because this policy created too much damage and pain to the minorities and there is a lot of work in order to help them overcome the difficulties that they face.

The Australian Aboriginal state policy mainly consisted on taking away Aboriginal children from their families by police or welfare officers, with the purpose of assimilating Aboriginal children into European society over one or two generations by denying and destroying their Aboriginality. This brought along many problems to the aborigines and still today they keep on dealing with them despite what is being done by the government. Some of the consequences of this policy towards the aborigines are that the majority of the children grew up in a hostile environment without family ties or cultural identity, As adults, many suffered insecurity, lack of self esteem, feelings of worthlessness, depression, suicide, violence, delinquency, abuse of alcohol and drugs and inability to trust they also Lack a parental model and in consequence many had difficulty bringing up their own children; a very important consequence is the scale of separation for the whole Aboriginal.

All the consequences above are issues that must be taken thoroughly into account and a simple sorry would not be enough to compensate and alleviate the pain and current living situation of the aborigines, that’s why the Australian government need to engage in various programs, foundations and the establishment of different policies in which the most important issues are covered such as health programs, preservation of aboriginal culture, education and labor force development and opportunities.
The Australian government is in huge debt with these aborigines, so they should assume up the challenge of reintegrating them to the country by real actions and not only words.



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