jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Course feedback

In my opinion the course of Organizations and culture is very good because it includes subjects that are very interesting of other cultures and countries.

The blog activity is very fun and new for some of us. its a method where the classmates have the opportunity to read about the other points of view and way of seeing the different cultures.

I think the presentations are very important because they help you gain talking in public qualities but I didn't like them because they were way too long and people lost interest of the subject easily, I think more dynamic activities should be implemented in order to capture the attention of the students and have a more participate environment where everyone is willing to share their opinions.


Latin American organization

When doing the research of a Latin American organization there were multiple options to choose from, but one of them caught my eye and this was ALOP that stands for “asociacion latinoamericana de organizaciones de promocion al desarrollo”.
ALOP is an association of nongovernmental organization for development; it is constituted by 20 Latin American and Caribbean countries. It was created in 1979, and is one of the most long lasting efforts of regional integration among the other NGO’s of the region.

The main purpose of this organization is the exchange of experiences between Latin American NGO’s and other networks of European NGO’s and organizations, in order to create an environment where the society can actively participate in the integration processes and the intervention and follow up of the relations between the European and Latin American integrations systems. This organization wants to give participation particularly in matters such as human rights, politics, economic and social aspects, poverty and social development.

Some of its purposes includes: the constitution of a place for integration and exchange of the different NGO’s of development; elaborate global and regional development proposals; to establish a proactive relationship with Latin American and Caribbean participants, among others.

As you can see this association is very important because it tries to improve the quality, equity and the participation of Latin American countries by searching for strategies of development and integration.

image http://www.dialogopoliticaexterior.org.mx/archivos_index/logo-alop.jpg


the blog I liked the most is this one http://carlosvallejod34.blogspot.com/. you should visit it because it is very interesting
I also visited
The other blogs I visited are also very good, and they show that everyone did a very good job!!!!


lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

The Stolen generation

1.From your own point of view it useful to say "Sorry" after years of wrong policies towards a minority? Why, what else is needed?

In this blog I want to state why I think the Australian policies towards minorities were not the most appropriate or correct ones, and why is it important to take action in this matter to correct and formulate new ways in which the minorities can see themselves beneficiated. Personally I think that by just saying sorry the problem would not be solved because this policy created too much damage and pain to the minorities and there is a lot of work in order to help them overcome the difficulties that they face.

The Australian Aboriginal state policy mainly consisted on taking away Aboriginal children from their families by police or welfare officers, with the purpose of assimilating Aboriginal children into European society over one or two generations by denying and destroying their Aboriginality. This brought along many problems to the aborigines and still today they keep on dealing with them despite what is being done by the government. Some of the consequences of this policy towards the aborigines are that the majority of the children grew up in a hostile environment without family ties or cultural identity, As adults, many suffered insecurity, lack of self esteem, feelings of worthlessness, depression, suicide, violence, delinquency, abuse of alcohol and drugs and inability to trust they also Lack a parental model and in consequence many had difficulty bringing up their own children; a very important consequence is the scale of separation for the whole Aboriginal.

All the consequences above are issues that must be taken thoroughly into account and a simple sorry would not be enough to compensate and alleviate the pain and current living situation of the aborigines, that’s why the Australian government need to engage in various programs, foundations and the establishment of different policies in which the most important issues are covered such as health programs, preservation of aboriginal culture, education and labor force development and opportunities.
The Australian government is in huge debt with these aborigines, so they should assume up the challenge of reintegrating them to the country by real actions and not only words.



sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

Best of Blogs 2010 awards

the Blog that I found the most interesting and exiting is the spanih blog: La vuelta al mundo de Asun y Ricardo.

I think I chose this one because the adventure of travelling around the world is something that I would love to do myself and I admire those people that actually make that dream real!!!!

You should visist it!!!!


Trade Unions in Europe

Trade Union in Europe

In this blog I want to briefly explain the concept of a trade union and the presence of this characteristic matter across Europe. The basic concept of a trade union is “an organization of workers who have united to achieve common goals” such as better working conditions, the negotiation of wages, work rules, complaint procedures, rules governing hiring, firing and promotion of workers, benefits, workplace safety and policies; but actually an union entails a lot more than what meets the eyes, there are more aspects that are affected with this practices.

After the second world war specifically after the fall of the Iron curtain in 1989, the unionization movement in Europe has declined substantially due to the different European policies that have been established in order to benefit the workers and ensure a healthy and well constituted environment in which the people working can carry out their tasks and be reattributed for them. The statistics show that “three out of every four people employed in the EU are now not members of a trade union. Furthermore, in every EU country outside Scandinavia (except Belgium), trade union membership is either static or continues to decline”.
Even though the trade union percentage has declined there are still some countries in Europe that have a highly unionized population such as “The three Nordic countries of Denmark, Sweden and Finland are at the top of the table with around 70% of all employees in unions. In part this is because, as in Belgium – which also has above average levels of union density – unemployment and other social benefits are normally paid out through the union”

In conclusion the trade Unions across Europe have decline in a large part thanks to industrial restructuring, but as we all know this phenomenon is still out there, and there are some countries where the trade unions still have a relevant role.




E-commerce and Islamism

E-commerce and Islamism

Can a highly religious motivated culture accept the rapid and technological way the economy is moving now days? This is a question that brings along various issues and aspects about the convergence of the real world with the beliefs and religions of some cultures that encounter difficulties accepting the technological wave that the world is facing today.

One important issue in this matter is the E-commerce and the reason why I mention it, is because its growth has had an enormous effect on the way people conduct their transactions and it has also generated considerable diversity and complexity in its structure and applications. the E-commerce have revolutionized the global economy making the transactions cheaper and faster which are two important characteristics in the highly competitive globalised world, however there are some discrepancies on how the transactions should be managed and a clear example of this is the Islamist rigid point of view on E-commerce. People probably think that the Islamist position is too strict and out of fashion, but there are some interesting facts on why their beliefs and principles clash with those of the new era like the E-commerce.

The critics or rules that the Islamist have regarding E-commerce are the relative lack of security and the usury interest which are two things that almost all the rest of the world do not find as decisive points and are willing to take the risk in order to enjoy the benefits the E-commerce has to give, but the Islamist are much more careful and selective when engaging in those kinds of transactions that’s why E-commerce has still a long way to go with the Islamic world to be fully accepted.
In my personal opinion, this is a very competitive world in which you have to make compromises in order to succeed and not fall behind, and for that reason I think that the Islamist way of thinking must open up a little more to the rest of the world and take advantage of all the benefits it has to give.




Zainul, Norazlina et al. 2004. “E-commerce from an Islamic perspective”. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 3 (2004): 280-293.